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If you are having trouble with our downloads or the website in general, please make sure you try to troubleshoot on your end first before you submit a report.

Any reported download/mod that ends up working fine on our end will be left as is, and since there’s no way for us to contact the person who sent the report, you will not hear about it any further.

You can also join our Telegram and get your mods from there if the website isn’t working out for you.

Last Updated: 07/02/2024

HOST: Bunkr/Buzzheavier

Two of the download host options we offer have very invasive ads on it (redirects to porn websites, downloads .exe files). While this is not ideal for the end-user, it is VERY EASY to bypass. Using uBlock Origin combined with either Mozilla Firefox or LibreWolf will get rid of this problem. Additionally, Piracy Badger is a plugin you can get for Firefox that could also help with blocking ads/unwanted redirects.

If you encounter the website downloading a .exe file for you, DO NOT RUN THE .EXE FILE. We only distribute .7z files (that may include .ttmp ; .ttmp2 ; .pmp ; .png ; .jpg ; .webp ; .psd), there will never ever be a time when we upload a .exe file. If you run the adblocker recommended above, you should not even run into this issue in the first place, but if somehow miraculously you still do, even though you did all that has been recommended in this troubleshooting guide, you are going to have to bite the bullet and join our Telegram group for the files.

REPORTS ABOUT WEIRD WEBSITE ADS, .EXE FILES ETC WILL BE DISCARDED IMMEDIATELY. If you refuse to read the information we put up here to help you get your setup going, we are NOT LIABLE FOR WHAT YOU MESS UP ON YOUR PC. Join the Telegram if you can’t get it functioning or you don’t trust in your basic computer knowledge to not nuke your rig.

Virus Warning

Virus warnings may happen with .rar, .zip AND .7z files. Windows Defender flags a file with an !ml ending Trojan, which means machine learned. It’s Defender’s automated detection feature (probably the AI-driven adaptive protection). Every case we know of has been a false positive. We haven’t run into an actual virus in any compressed files.

There’s nothing the team can do about this as it is a Windows Defender issue.

If this happens to you please scan the file or the download link on to make sure it’s a false positive. (You might have to allow it out of quarantine first if Defender removed the file right away.) Also to note, every file we upload here gets repackaged by the Unvaulted uploading team, therefore if there really was a virus we would have already caught it.

REPORTS ABOUT VIRUS WARNINGS WILL BE DISCARDED IMMEDIATELY. (If you are not comfortable trusting the team, even after scanning the file with Virustotal and reading all the reasons as to why this is happening above, unfortunately we can’t help you further.)

File Disappears After Downloading

Your anti-virus probably nuked it. You will have to whitelist it or get it out of quarantine. I suggest scanning the download link with before you do so.

Anti-Virus Blocks the Download Website

If you have an anti-virus program that’s not your built in Windows Defender and it blocks the host we offer our files on, you will either have to disable it, or you may join our Telegram group to get the files.


Another solution to download issues might be to use a VPN. Try connecting to different countries and see if that will fix your problem.

Unvaulted staff recommends Mullvad VPN (no logs, 5 dollars/month, a very good selection of payment options, no personal info required, etc.) AVOID any free VPNs. When you don’t pay for the product, you are the product.

Slow Download

This could happen when the host servers are overloaded. You can either wait for the file to download anyways, or return to it at a later time and try again.

If you want the mod right away join our Telegram and download it directly from there.


The website gets tested on Mozilla Firefox & LibreWolf exclusively. It’s advised you use either of these browsers since uBlock Origin works best on these and some features on our website might look off on other browsers. If anything is looking off, a feature on the website seems to be broken or you keep getting ads on our hosts despite having an adblocker, it’s probably because of your browser.

We have no intention to optimize for any other browser.

File Archiver

The team uses 7-Zip exclusively to archive mods, and we only use their .7z archive format. If you get a corruption error when you are trying to extract a file, either you

  1. didn’t let the download finish ;
  2. the download failed before it could finish ;
  3. you are trying to extract the file with Winrar or other file archiver that’s not 7-Zip.

Make sure your download has finished properly, and if it has, make sure you have 7-Zip installed and you are trying to extract using that, NOT Winrar or other file archivers you might have.

Broken Mod

So you managed to download a file and extract it, but for some reason it doesn’t work like how it’s supposed to. It doesn’t show up, it breaks your game and/or character, it shows up but it’s busted/missing textures/components etc. These and any similar issues are NOT something we can fix or help you with. Your issue will either be a problem on the creator’s side or your side.

We are not here to do tech support on mods.

However, there are a couple things you can do if you run into a broken mod:

  1. Check if the mod has received an update fixing your issue: if it has, you can request for the update in our Telegram, or someone might have already requested/shared it. If you can’t get access to the Telegram you will have to wait for us to update the website: we announce mod updates on the Change Logs page.
  2. If the mod hasn’t been updated, you can bring up the issue with the original author.
  3. You can also ask for troubleshooting help in our Discord, or any of the 1000+ FFXIV modding discords that have mod help channels. The problem might be on your end, and someone may or may not be able to help you.


Missing Files

When you download one of our files, and you find there’s a file/mod feature etc that is missing from the package (that is supposed to be in there and you know this because the mod description says so), please DO NOT report it to us.

Realistically, there’s absolutely nothing that we can do about this. The only thing you can do is join our sharing/requesting Telegram, and request for an updated version of the mod. Or you can just wait until someone else does and the update gets shared with us. We will then update the file on the website and make a post about it in Change Logs.


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