As we are entering a new year with the website being in operation for over a year now, I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year! It’s kind of crazy to think about how long I’ve been doing this overall and how far we have come as a community. Lot of things happened this year and the Unvaulted telegram now has over 33k members. Insane how big we have gotten and I still have a hard time wrapping my mind around it all.

I don’t really have statistics or anything like that to show or recap our journey bc quite frankly I don’t keep track of nothing (and I also just don’t care) so I will share my favourite funny website reports I’ve been collecting over in our Discord.

(discord fucked me out of my pictures pardon me as i slowly replace them :grr: i also dont remember half of them so idk)

My absolute top picks:

LOL legit

i miss fanmail…

homie lost but got the spirit, no worries man thanks for visiting


u know it

imma fist fight whoever this was btw

i will delete the website


one of my discord mods catching a stray lmao


All the fucking virus warnings:

that sure does!

and this continues u get the point, every single fucking day someone reports a damn virus warning. u mfs need to learn how to read and problem solve for yourselves ITS COVERED IN OUR FUCKING FAQ AND TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE U ANIMALS

All the people who are very lost about what we do around here:

to answer your question: we are as much of an archive of lost mods as we are redistributors of mods. also this was a report PRE-DT meaning they prob downloaded a mod that was released broken, not my problem

bro what the fuck do u think this website does

Paid modders and bootlickers in our reports:

yayayaya medical bills blahblahblah this modder has a luxury dog and makes THOUSANDS monthly on shit ass ports


this mf in uni bro u might as well just set fire to that tuition money that would serve more purpose

like this is my problem lmfao

tessigner in the telegram confirmed hello fellow pirate

The internet illiteracy archives (we can’t utilize adblockers apparently):

LMFAOOO this is probably my favourite from this category

A KAREN IN MY REPORTS “if u dont do what i want u to do i wont be revisiting” OKAY BYE LMFAOOO WHAT THE FUCK U THINK THIS IS

adult content…..

“can u update to DT” no:


no telegram? perish

pls dont fucking give me your social media/contact info :skull:

its a makeup mod…………..

its kind of astonishing how many times this has happened

a few nice ones, i appreciate all of u who say some nice words with your report :)

Anyways, that’s all. A lot of reports just end up a waste of time and/or a user error. We have explanation on most issues in the FAQ & Troubleshooting section of the website. But if people would just read I would have no content for my wall of shame channel in the discord so there’s that lmfao

For this next section I would like to say my thank yous to my staff and people who participate in the community, so if you aren’t part of it/don’t care about us, you may skip it and I hope you have a great new year that you enjoy with Unvaulted.

  • First and foremost I would like to say thank you to my right hand man, Moon. She has been with us since literally the start and has helped me get thru this mess of a project in so many ways. She is the primary moderator for the discord and is the default decision maker when I’m not around. Thank you for everything, I could not have done any of this without you (I would have already deleted everything if it wasn’t for her lmfao) I owe you my life bro
  • Gabu & Reia, both of whom have also been with us from the start. While Reia since quit the team, he was pretty much the building blocks of everything and the one whose idea started the first pirate discord. Gabu quit for a while but now is back and they were a HUGE help in constructing the first website and now primarily does work on our discord bot and some moderation. Thank you to both for all your work and I’m so glad I got both of your friendships out of this project. It would not be the same without u guys.
  • Em, Lighterwave & Mouse: for your insane work in uploading for both the telegrams and the website. Your guys’ work carried me through the beginnings of this whole shit and while none of you do work anymore, what you’ve done in the past for us genuinely kept this place kicking. I am honored to be able to call you guys friends as well.
  • Sparky, Ves, Jake, Smile, Ely, Sora: Boatswains. Thank you for your continued work on moderating the discord, being my friends and all that you do for this community behind the scenes to keep my sanity intact. I can thank all of you for a lot beyond this project.
  • All of my Swabbies who moderate the discord as well: I appreciate and value all of you more than you know. Thank you for sticking with us thru the good and the bad, you guys make the discord a much better place.
  • Kaia & Kibbles: while Kibbles retired some months back from it all, he was such a huge help in moderating the telegrams, we all miss you very much. Kaia has been a constant since pretty much the beginning and I genuinely don’t know what I would do without you. You continue to help so much with moderating LLP and you have become genuinely such a good friend on top of that. Thank you for all that you do and for sticking around for this long. :)
  • Juno, Arkhe & Gewo: you three have been carrying the telegram for MONTHS now lmfao I think I would have already gone insane if it weren’t for your guys’ help. Thank you Juno for taking up all the extra categories that don’t have a dedicated uploader at the moment, you are literally a godsend. Arkhe & Gewo you guys have the hardest category yet you handle it so well. I don’t know what I would do without you, I sincerely thank you for all that you do. I also very much cherish the time we have together, you guys make the work much more tolerable.
  • Quoth, Sora & Celtic: Quoth & Sora have been with us forever and you guys genuinely have been such a constant in the team, it is so reassuring to know I can rely on you guys and not have to worry about your position on the team. You both are very consistent with your work and that is such a relief. I couldn’t ask for better people on the team. Celtic, while you are the newest addition, you have done so much already. Thank you for all that you do and I hope you stick around well into the future.
  • My LLP moderators! All of you do such good and important work making sure the sharing/requesting telegram is running smoothly. Many of you have become very good friends and this community can thank you all for a lot. Thank you for putting up with all the nonsense on a daily basis, you guys are amazing.
  • The discord regulars (especially the gacha channel lmfao): you guys are all very funny and I enjoy spending time with you guys. Thank you for hanging out.
  • All the people who share mods and help out with LLP moderation on the side. You guys make the community, none of this would be possible without you wanting to share your mods with everyone. Thank you all!
  • All the people who donated to our Ko-fi to keep the website alive. Thank you for your support!
  • Casey bc none of this would have happened without u LMFAO hope you are doing well homie

idk who the fuck else i need to thank im honestly getting kinda drunk if i forgot about u sorry just know ill remember at some point and im thankful. this project relies on a lot of people coming together to make it all work and while i direct it, i wouldnt be able to do it without the support i receive from those working with me. i appreciate the fuck out of all of u and i hope you guys have such a great year you all deserve it no homo, fuck all these paid modders preying on us, this is a place for creativity and community to thrive not capitalism & greed to take root and ruin it all for the people

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