1 Item: SHOES

Unisex: Coming soon

† Author: HISEU (Mesh & Texture)
† Contributor: Tsar(TBSE), Bizu(bibo+) Trauma(Assisting)
† Affects: Street High-Top Shoes
† Race/Gender: UNISEX

TBSE-X/BIBO: Midlander, Highlander, Elezen, Miqote, AuRa, Viera

– Dye Variations
DYE Channel 1: Main Shoe Body [Undyeable Option – Black , Dyeable Option – White]
DYE Channel 2: Jelly Soles [Normal Jelly, Holographic Jelly]

The rest of other parts of the shoes – you may change the colors manually via Advanced Edit

– There will be some standard minor clipping and stretches upon use.

**Races, Gender and Body types that I don’t mention here, are not compatibles**

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