- This mod works in the current expansion of the game (Dawntrail, v7.0).
- Purr [Content] [1.3]
- by Bliep Bliep
A purr for the facial expression /Content, /Shuteyes and /Straighface.
I’ve added facial expression options shuteyes and straightface but have them turned off as default.
Sound effect comes through the Voice Sound channel if you want it lowered or boosted up. (would recommend to turn off BGM when using this mod)
Both /Shuteyes and /Straightface don’t have a cutoff sound effect option so when you spam the emote, you spam the SFX with it. Be aware if you spam audio too much it could crash your game, so it’s not recommended!
– Added: Male and Female Au’ra, Hrothgar and Viera races per request.
– Changed the audio channel from system sounds to the voice sound channel.
– Added Facial Expressions: /Straighface & /Shuteyes.
– Option to turn off the emote’s SFX with the “Off” Option for each face expression.
– Better File connecting with options.
– Fully remade the mod as it was broken in DT
– Made it universal for all races and male/female, with that Hrothgar Female now also working!
– Fixed the Aura & Viera face type 4 not working.
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