my first high-poly sculpt, hello clio!

– two versions of the sculpt + earless options for both (version 1 has a more prominent nose and sharper cupid’s bow for a more ‘elegant’ look, while version 2 has a smaller, more upturned nose and rounder lips for a more ‘cute’ look)
– smoother n_texture
– high-poly vanilla lashes
– four edited vanilla brow options
– hand-painted ‘clio’ makeup + bonus ‘euphrosyne’

preview videos:

facial feature + thick brow toggles have been removed. when selecting eyebrow options, please note that option 1 and 2 are the same.

sculpt options and makeup come in separate .ttmp2 files to make it easier to change up your look!

known issues:

-slight upper lash clipping during certain facial expressions (shown in video previews)
-one area in the neck mesh is not fully subdivded. i’m not sure why this happened when subdividing, but after testing it does not appear to affect the sculpt’s functionality or aesthetics in any way.

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