A full sculpt made to replace all Miqo’te faces! Includes makeup, a whole sculpt and face swap, eyebrow and lash editing. ❈ Feminine Viera face 4 to all Miqo’te faces! ❈ To apply another face makeup, the Viera texture has to be installed on the B texture, not the usual A. ❈ The base face is feminine Viera 4, for makeup, you have to use makeup from that face. Included a toggle to make the brows dark. ❈ The ears are togglable on both races; – on Seeker it is the red middle forehead toggle – on Keeper it is the togglable band aid Disclaimers/issues with the sculpt: – Minor clipping with vanilla hair in the back of the neck/behind the ears due the fact it is a face swap. – Face paint shows up weird on the face, UV2 map is broken, no fix for now (if you know how to fix, don’t hesitate to send me a dm!). – Eyes don’t close fully, this is common with face swaps. – This is one of my first sculpts, I know the eyemakeup smudges a tad when she closes her eyes a bit, I’ve tried to fix as much as I could, so thank you for bearing with me!

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