Sultana is a high-poly sculpt based off of Nanamo, made directly from Nanamo’s unique model. For this reason, (similar to Finest Pupil) this sculpt unfortunately does not work with facepaint.
Other notes: ◌ Ears and forehead gem are toggleable, Ears are toggled on facial feature 1 and the gem is toggled on facial feature 2. ◌ Because of the Nanamo based model, most preexisting lalafell makeup will not work with the forehead gem and break its textures. If you plan on using the gem, make sure your makeup has the gem overlaid on it! (A .png file overlay will be included in the MEGA folder). If you don’t plan of using the forehead gem, you can ignore this! ◌ Big thanks to Karkat for letting me use the makeup he made for his Nanamo based sculpt as the default face texture! (You’re a real one) ◌ There is an issue where the vanilla mouthbox clips through the tongue, but it is only visible when your lalafell opens their mouth really wide (ie: suprised, cheer jump)

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