Ears & tails

Replaces ears 1, 3, 4 for feminine Viera

Replaces ears 1, 2, 3 for masculine Viera

Replaces tail 1, 2, 3 for feminine Miqo’te


Replaces all feminine Viera ears

Replaces all masculine Viera ears

Replaces tail 1, 2, 3 for feminine Miqo’te (preserves vanilla tails)


Replaces all feminine Viera ears (preserves vanilla ears)

Replaces all masculine Viera ears (preserves vanilla ears)

Replaces all feminine Miqo’te tails

Custom skeleton (YAS, IVCS or Skelomae) needed for Viera tail movement. (optional)



Reisen: uptop ears (matching vanilla shapes for Viera ears 1)
Option A: ear flaps
Option B: inner fluff
Option C: inner fluff + additional fluff
Option D: ear flaps + base tuft
Option E: inner fluff + base tuft
Option F: inner fluff + additional fluff + base tuft

Udongein: floppy ears (matching vanilla shapes for Viera ears 3 feminine and 2 masculine)
Option A: ear flaps
Option B: inner fluff
Option C: inner fluff + additional fluff

Tewi: downturned ears
Option A: ear flaps
Option B: inner fluff
Option C: inner fluff + additional fluff

3 ears shapes (12 ears highlights)
Tail (6 tails highlights)

Comes with the complete rig for easy editing.



Can look weird with depth based shaders. (aDOF, Fog, etc)

Will clip with hairs. (model is made to clip into the head base)

Will not cover vanilla ears holes for Miqo’te and Viera.

Low-res modpacks includes low resolution textures, if you encounter artefacting use the default modpacks.

Reisen & Udongein ears shapes are weighted on vanilla bones. (j_zer)

Tewi ears shape is weighted on modded bones as the shape is not compatible with vanilla. (j_mimi)

Vanilla Viera bones will not work with animation mods that are not using vanilla Viera bones. (j_zer)

If you want your animation mod to be compatible with Viera ears contact the animation mod author.

If you want custom animations for Viera ears, make sure your animation uses “j_zer” bones and not j_mimi.

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Character Model
Ears / Horns / Tail Tags
Male Race Tags
Female Race Tags
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