This product has been updated to be DT compatible.
The old version is still included in the download.

Contributors : DUTP for the original meshes.
Item replacement : Hair 102 for all
Races affected : All races
Genders affected : Female
Mod description : Hat compatible straight and fluffy wolf cut  with highlights throughout.


  • Hat compatibility : Yes
  • Highlights : Yes
  • Earless Miqo’te : Yes – Vanilla ears are also included.
  • Au ra horn compatibility : Clipping will happen, it’s fluffy.

Ensure that your frames are capped between 60 to 72 fps to get the best weight display. If you go higher the hair will not move as smoothly. I test them at 72 since it’s the lowest i can go before dropping to 30.

WE ARE AWARE OF SOME MODS NOT HAVING ANY DOWNLOAD LINKS. The team is working to fix them as soon as possible, please be patient. Additionally, all reports pertaining to virus warning, DT update requests and malicious ads/files from Bunkr/Buzzheavier downloads will be discarded immediately.
See why in our FAQ/Troubleshooting/Host Guide section.

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Character Model
Female Race Tags
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