please look respectfully… (◡ ‿ ◡ ✿)

♡ bimbo+ is an edit of bibo+ that features a slimmer torso with a generous bust and thighs that can save lives~ ♡

• bust available in s/m/l
• rounder and perkier breasts with larger areolas + nipples
• slightly more curved back and smaller waistline
• huge. ass.
• 3 labia options
• longer shins
• slimmer hands with longer nails

stuff to note: you need bibo+ installed first!! these legs are thicc and will clip at the thigh with some boots. i will add a dev kit at some point but there are no special perms with this mod aside from the original bibo+ ones, so enjoy and i would love to see pics if you use this!!

if you find any bugs please report them to me either through dms or on my discord server cuz i prolly won’t see them here

♡ edit log ♡
30/9/22 – bimbo+ rig is now available as a blender file
7/10/22 – fixed issue where the neck & torso weren’t connected properly

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Character Model
Body / Scales / Skin Tags
Female Based Body Tags
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