geoffryhawk for wearable face 4 horns, which I used as a base to port the other horns:
.sparrows I acquired “the other horns” from here:

Author’s Comments:
This was made as a part 2 to the miqo’ra mixing pot mod I’m mushing together, but this is a good standalone so I left it as a separate mod entirely.

This upgrades Sparrow’s / Geoff’s wearable au ra horns to all races. Note, this does not overwrite your face, therefore for races with long ears you may have clipping. I suggest using the short “droopy” ears for lala’s and elezens at size 0 as they’re the most likely to hide inside the horns (as you can see from preview pic). Alternatively, just use Customize+ to make your ears small enough they can’t be seen. Also known issue is that, on au ra your original horns will disappear and be replaced but the male aura3 horns don’t appear correctly on a female aura; this is an issue present in sparrow’s original mod that I dunno how to fix without opening blender which I loath (=

Will I update it to include all the female horns? Ehhhh, maybe
I guess so, after I finish working on the part 1 of the miqo’ra journey

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Character Model
Ears / Horns / Tail Tags
Face Number Tags
Male Race Tags
Female Race Tags
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