Aquarius V1.0


A fancy outfit set based on the Astrological Sign Aquarius January 20th to February 18th.

Aquarius – The Water Bearer
Of all the zodiac signs, Aquarius is undoubtedly the most innovative, progressive, rebellious, and humanitarian. But while Aquarius can often be found planning a revolution or proudly flaunting their funky fashion sensibility, they also have an often overlooked sensitive side that requires appreciation, support, and love. Air energy is all about the mind. Intellectual, curious, and deeply social, the air signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius) are passionate about interpersonal dynamics. As the last air sign in the zodiac, however, Aquarius takes these concepts to a whole other level. Aquarius is represented by the water bearer (hence the “aqua”), the mystical healer who bestows water, or life, upon the land.

Includes 2 Dye Channels

The Wings are on the ring accessories
The head piece was fitted using my Shallow Seas Hair, it will clip with some hairstyles, it is meant to be on the ears technically, but since Hrothgar/Miqo/Viera/AuRa don’t have normal ears it kind of just hovers near the sides of the head, but still works quite nice with Shallow Seas Hair, and some others may work too. Since Hrothgar doesn’t have my Shallow Seas Hair you may have a harder time with hairstyles that don’t clip, but some vanilla styles look fine, like the DT meteor hair. For Au Ra, it definitely clips with the horns, nothing can be done about this really due to the style of the item.

-Dress 3D Options-
Default (All Details)
No Necklace

-Boots 3D Options-
Default (All Details)
No Wings

Replaces: Frontier Ribbon, Frontier Dress, Frontier Dress Gloves, Frontier Trousers, Frontier Pumps, Aetheryte Rings
Races: Midlander, Highlander, Miqo’te, Au Ra, Elezen, Roegadyn, Viera, Hrothgar
Gender: Female

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